Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education in Africa

SMASE-Africa stands for the Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education in Africa. The network currently brings together twenty-seven [27] African countries and provides networking platforms to dialogue about mathematics, science and technology education in Africa. The aim is to enable members to share innovative practices that are transferable to respective countries through conferences, technical workshops and exchange visits. We encourage you to navigate the website and learn more.

Member Countries


The International Webinar on the Effective use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Learning to Advance STEM Education in Africa

The International Webinar on the Effective use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Learning

International webinar on inclusive STEM education

Written by Mary W. Sichangi & Irene Vutale The Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology

Highlights from COMSTEDA 18 Virtual Conference

The 18th Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (COMSTEDA 18) was held

Highlights from COMSTEDA 19: Advancing STEM Education in Africa

The 19th Conference for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (COMSTEDA-19) brought together educators,

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