Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education in Africa

SMASE Africa Strategic Plan Abridged 2017

Published on August 23, 2021

This strategy was designed based on a review process that interrogated the implementation of the 2014-2018 strategy with a view to remain relevant to the ever-changing needs of the organization. A rigorous process facilitated by consultants was used through document analysis of various information and feedback based on the implementation of the past strategy. Accordingly, this enabled the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in external and internal environments to develop five-year strategic priorities.

The SMASE-Africa (2014-2018) strategy as a transitional plan enabled it to navigate from donor-funded and managed activities to a weaned self-governing organization managed by member countries. The structural transformation within the organization took long necessitating rethinking the strategy. The implication was to strategize through the 2016 – 2020 Plan.